Frequently Asked Questions
If you would like a full presentation of our marketing services, including a free Comparative Market Analysis, please contact us call 206/328-2027.
Why choose Goldenrod Realty?
At Goldenrod Realty, we offer you:
Exceptional personalized service
Flexible commission plans focused on saving you the most money while getting you the best price
State-of-the-art marketing technology to help connect you with thousands of potential buyers
Attention to detail
How is a property's value determined?
The agent will examine your property to determine an estimated value. This estimate is not an appraisal, but a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA). The CMA will allow you to compare your property with similar properties recently sold or currently on the market in your area. This information will help you and your agent reach together a final pricing decision.
How can I prepare my property for sale?
Before putting your home on the market you should review our Seller’s Tips. It offers advice on how to prepare your home for sale in order to achieve the best price possible. We will also provide you with a free Comparative Market Appraisal.
How will Goldenrod Realty market my property?
We market our listings using:
The Northwest Mutiple Listing Service on the WWW
Direct mail campaigns
Print advertising
For a full presentation of our marketing strategy call us at 206/328-2027 or complete our CMA form
What is the standard step-by-step process to selling a home?
We have prepared a list detailing the entire sales process. To learn more about the standard process for marketing and selling your home, please visit The Selling Process page.
Why hire a real estate agent to sell my home?
A knowledgeable agent can promote your property in a fraction of the time it would take you to list the property yourself. An agent will screen all buyers to make sure they are pre-approved and will also advise you on the best marketing strategy for your property. Read our Selling Process to learn more.
What are the agent's obligations to the seller?
Below is the agent's obligation to his or her seller:
°Obedience – agent must carry out all lawful instructions of the seller.
Loyalty – agent must act in best interest of seller.
Disclosure – of all information that is relevant to seller.
Confidentiality – duty to keep confidential the seller's information or discussion.
Accountability – agent must account for all money, documents, or other personal property given to him or her by the seller.
Reasonable Care and Due Diligence – agent must act competently, capable of performing duties with scope of license requirements.
What are some determining factors when selling a property?
It is widely known that the price and condition of the property are the most important determining factors when selling a property. A well-priced property that is in good condition will sell faster than an expensive property in poor condition. It is important take into consideration the CMA when pricing your property to ensure that it is not priced above what the market can sustain. For example, a property in excellent condition may be priced higher compared to a similar property with fewer amenities.